LLPs vs Corporations in Canada: Brief Comparison

This article will delve into the nuances of LLPs vs Corporations in Canada, exploring their characteristics, benefits, and limitations. It will also provide a brief comparison between both the business structures.

Selecting the appropriate legal structure is one of the most important choices you’ll have to make when launching a business in Canada. Two well-known options are Limited Liability Partnerships (LLPs) and Corporations. It is imperative to comprehend the distinctions between the two structures in order to make an informed decision, as each has unique benefits and possible drawbacks. 

This article will delve into the nuances of LLPs and Corporations in Canada, exploring their characteristics, benefits, and limitations.

LLPs vs. Corporations in Canada

What is a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)?

An organization which incorporates the adaptability of a partnership with the liability protection of a corporation is called a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP). It limits each partner’s personal liability for the partnership’s debts and liabilities while enabling them to take an active role in the operation of the company.

Key Features of LLPs

  • Limited Liability Protection: Unlike traditional partnerships, LLPs offer limited liability protection to their partners. his protects partners’ personal assets by removing their personal liability for the carelessness or wrongdoing of other partners.
  • Pass-Through Taxation: LLPs profit from pass-through taxes, which spares the company’s operations from entity-level taxation. Rather, the partners receive a pass-through of the earnings and losses, which they record on their individual tax returns.
  • Flexibility in Management: An LLP gives its partners the freedom to manage the company on their own terms. Compared to companies, there are fewer formalities and regulatory constraints, which enables more direct administration.
  • Professional Services: Companies that offer professional services, such as legal companies, accounting firms, and medical clinics, frequently use limited liability partnerships (LLPs). Many provinces in Canada restrict LLP status to specific professions.

Advantages of LLPs

  1. Liability Protection: LLPs provide liability protection for partners, shielding personal assets from business debts and other partners’ actions.
  2. Tax Benefits: One potential benefit of the pass-through taxation system is reduced taxes and easier tax filing.
  3. Management Flexibility: There is no need for a board of directors or shareholder meetings because partners have direct influence over company operations.

Disadvantages of LLPs

  • Limited Availability: In Canada, LLPs are typically restricted to specific professions, limiting their availability to certain business types.
  • Regulatory Variations: Each province may have quite different laws governing limited liability partnerships (LLPs), which could make compliance more difficult.

What is a Corporation?

A corporation is an independent legal body that exists independently of its owners, or shareholders. It is able to make contracts, hold property, file lawsuits, and be sued. Companies provide their shareholders with limited liability protection, which limits their liability to the amount they have invested in the company.

Key Features of Corporations in Canada

  • Limited Liability Protection: Shareholders of a corporation are not personally liable for the company’s debts and liabilities beyond their investment in shares, providing robust protection for personal assets.
  • Separate Legal Entity: Being a separate legal body, a corporation has the ability to own property, incur debt, and conduct business without the involvement of its stockholders.
  • Perpetual Existence: Corporations have a perpetual existence, meaning the company continues to exist even if ownership or management changes.
  • Ability to Raise Capital: Businesses can issue shares in order to raise capital, which facilitates investor attraction and the acquisition of funding for expansion.
  • Formal Management Structure: In order to supervise day-to-day operations and make decisions, corporations need a formal management structure that consists of an officers’ council and a board of directors.

Advantages of Corporations

  1. Limited Liability: Shareholders enjoy limited liability protection, reducing personal financial risk.
  2. Access to Capital: Growth and expansion may be aided by the capacity to raise capital and issue shares.
  3. Continuity: The perpetual existence of a corporation ensures stability and longevity, independent of changes in ownership.
  4. Credibility: Companies are frequently more reputable and appealing to investors and prospective customers.

Disadvantages of Corporations

  • Complexity and Costs: Compared to other business formats, incorporating a business entails more intricate regulatory procedures, ongoing compliance, and greater expenditures.
  • Double Taxation: Corporations are subject to double taxation, where the company’s profits are subject to taxation at the business level, and dividends paid to shareholders are subject to taxation at the individual level.
  • Formalities: Corporations are required to follow certain guidelines, including producing yearly reports, keeping thorough records, and scheduling frequent board meetings.

Comparing LLPs and Corporations

FeatureLimited Liability Partnership (LLP)Corporation
Liability ProtectionPartners are protected from personal liability for the actions of other partners.Shareholders are only liable for their investment in shares, providing robust liability protection.
TaxationPass-through taxation: profits and losses are reported on partners’ individual tax returns.Double taxation: profits are taxed at the corporate level, and dividends are taxed again at the individual level.
Management and ControlPartners directly manage the business with fewer formalities.Formal management structure with a board of directors and officers.
Regulatory RequirementsFewer formalities and regulatory requirements.More complex regulatory requirements, including filing articles of incorporation, holding annual meetings, and maintaining detailed records.
Capital RaisingMore challenging to raise substantial capital.Simpler to raise money by issuing shares.
Perpetual ExistenceDepends on the partnership agreement; may need reformation if a partner leaves.Perpetual existence, unaffected by shifts in management or ownership.
Suitable ForProfessional service firms (lawyers, accountants, doctors) and small businesses.Larger businesses with growth ambitions and those seeking easier access to capital.


Choosing between an LLP and a Corporation in Canada depends on various factors, including the nature of your business, your professional requirements, and your long-term goals. LLPs are a good option for professional service organizations and small enterprises looking for simple management since they provide flexibility and tax benefits. Corporations are the best option for larger enterprises with expansion plans since they offer strong liability protection, simpler capital access, and permanent life.

If you’re considering starting a business in Canada, it’s essential to evaluate your specific need to make the best decision. You may quickly establish your company in Canada with IncPass and take advantage of a number of business registration services, such as registering for GST/HST, renting virtual office space, and more. Our platform streamlines the procedure so you can concentrate on what really counts, which is expanding your company.


Can anyone form an LLP in Canada?

No, LLPs are often only available to certain professions in Canada, like law, accounting, and medicine. Every province has different restrictions, so it’s crucial to find out what exactly is required in your area.

What are the main distinctions in tax treatment between an LLP and a Corporation?

LLPs benefit from pass-through taxation, in which gains and losses are recorded on the partners’ individual tax returns to prevent double taxation. There is a possibility of double taxation because shareholders pay taxes on dividends and corporations are subject to corporate taxation.

Which business structure is better for raising funds?

As corporations are able to issue shares, they have an advantage when it comes to raising capital. This makes it easier to attract investors compared to LLPs, which have more limited options for raising substantial capital.

What are the current Canadian corporate compliance requirements?

Corporations must adhere to strict formalities, including filing yearly reports, scheduling frequent board meetings, keeping thorough records, and abiding by any applicable local, state, or federal laws. These requirements ensure transparency and accountability but can also add to the administrative burden.

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